Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old times are good times ... in this case.

Really couldn't resist posting a collage of cousins. Almost seems like they're related, too.

I did run at the Twin Cities 10 Mile earlier this year, even if the collage only has 1/2 of me running. As you can tell, I felt MUCH better once I was done (top picture).

My big guy took a disposable camera to school for his birthday/star week. He wore a funny hat, played with friends at free choice time, ate a green pepper for snack (this is a regular occurance), and talked (proudly) about his baseball glove (Thanks, Uncle Kurt!).

The camera stayed there a while so that they could use up all the pictures. I picked some choice ones for these collages. In these, he's telling everyone about Frog and Toad (book), making something or other (not sure what), sitting with his class, and showing off his baby memory of Rusty the Puppy.

Apparently he has friends at school - lots of them - including the teachers. He has a sixth (I think sixth) grade buddy who comes and helps with things from time to time. They're making gingerbread houses this month! And the big guy even got to hold a monarch butterfly by the wings once it came out of its chrysalis. (His class had four create chrysalis and come out alive!)

Happy days looking back. We can not wait to keep making memories. The big guy and the peanut (my daughter) both love school so much. And this is the time of year to be with family, so we're anxious to visit both our Ohio family and Wisconsin family this Christmas season sometime.

Then, we'll start making 2010 the year of the Vitense :) Swimming starts January 6th! (And hopefully basketball soon thereafter for the big guy!)

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