Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last Cubs' game and Last Blue Whales ("psssh") practice

Thursday was the last game for the Bass Lake Cubs. My son had a good time playing in this league. Next year we'll find something a bit closer to his competitive and skill level, though. He got bored and was starting to show some bad habits. On this day, he had a few good defensive plays and hit the ball nicely. His coaches for the season were nice and helpful, so it was bittersweet to say goodbye to the Plymouth Park & Rec coach-pitch league.
My daughter's last L'il Sports practice was fun, too. They played a game of kickball. The coaches there were so fun, today, and all session long. My daughter's team decided to call themselves the Blue Whales (with the "pssh" sound at the end for the water coming out of the blow-hole). She kicked really well in her first at bat, but I got the at bat on video in which she only "bunted", but then ran hard to first base. :)

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