Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ok. Busy weekend. Thursday night, I played ball really late. The kids went to the Maple Grove Days parade with my wife and the neighbors. Then, we had fun at Maple Grove Days on Saturday morning - Big Truck Show, plus my son likes to drive the remote control cars, and we had some shaved ice. I hope MG Days is the only time my children are in the back of a squad car :) But my son does have some "fireman" in him. Seems he uses the firehouse pretty well.
It was warm in the morning, but we ventured to our friends' house on Forest Lake for the afternoon, only to find that clouds had materialized and created a rainy afternoon. We still had fun with our friends. Then, as we went to come home ... the tornado siren went off. So ... we spent 20 minutes in the basement before things cleared and we came home.
Sunday brought another baseball game for me, but not before I could shave my son's head (he had been asking to have it done for quite a while). So, I had baseball, and he had soccer. I heard that he scored a few goals, Sunday, too. Figures. I miss one soccer night and he decides to become a star :)

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