... Halloween is an interesting week. Somehow candy is eaten at ALL hours of the day. It occurs with and without parental knowledge (kids can somehow FIND where it is HIDDEN - or NOT hidden - and kids can be SNEAKY). There are sugar highs and lows and there apparently is a lot of screaming from 3-yr olds (that, I don't remember from the last one). Anyway, kids are still FUN. And challenging. And rewarding. I can't remember I mentioned the GREAT parent teacher conference we had for the big guy last week Wednesday. Apparently he's AWESOME! Proud parents! :) (Need to remind myself of these things when we have the screaming and the yelling at home - Kids are awesome, but not perfect - except in grandparents' eyes)
Here's some pics that we got from neighbors from Halloween. And a drawing from my son. He was proud and sent it to his cousin in Onalaska that had sent he and our daughter a drawing of them that she had done from a picture. Apparently our son has a desire to give back when people do things for him. Yeah!
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