Easter Sunday was a blessing. The kids got up and found the baskets that the Easter Bunny had left for them. Each basket had a movie, a chocolate easter bunny, and some other candy. Mr. Bunny even brought us parents some candy in a basket, too :) Then, the kids went off to find the plastic eggs that the bunny always seems to hide. This year, my son's eggs had Matchbox cars inside them and my daughter's eggs had Little People inside.
The kids and my wife had hard-boiled eggs and dyed them earlier in the week, so they also got to hide them and try to find them yesterday, as well. Then, my wife made deviled eggs for appetizers/dinner and left a number of hard-boiled eggs for egg salad, which we'll make later today or tomorrow.
Actually, the Easter week started with our celebration of my Gramma's birthday last weekend. My parents and my Gramma and Jerry stuck around until Tuesday, so we got to go to Palm Sunday service last week with everyone (and Knights of Columbus breakfast). Easter service this week was nice because the "happy" music filled the service - and everyone seemed glad to know that Easter was here!
I made leg of lamb, italian seasoned cornish hens, potatoes, rice, beans and broccoli for dinner - I made one big mess in the kitchen. We had a great dinner (which may or may not have been eaten enough by the kids). And then I packed away left-overs and cleaned up the kitchen while Mommy and my daughter went for a walk, and my son went outside to play with friends.
All, in all, a pretty nice few days. Since last week was spring break as well, it'll be a bit different having the kids go back to school this week. But we'll manage :)
Happy Easter Everyone!
"I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord." - Psalm 118:17 (ESV)
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