Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gingerbread House, Winter, and Chops

I wouldn't mind living in my daughter's gingerbread house ... at least for a while ... until I ate my home and had to move.

Better Rudolph's nose red than any of ours. (Knock on wood.) We haven't had those debilitating illnesses (yet) this winter. Thank goodness.

Although any of the above pics could have been about 'Winter', technically THIS is the one. My daughter went to a dolphin-themed birthday party. And 'Winter' is actually the name of the dolphin from Dolphin Tale. Yeah, face painting!

Chops for the hair - way overdue - this Monday. My son looks as normal as he can again - you could've actually grabbed him by his hair before. And my daughter decided to chop inches off hers. My wife thinks she looks 'like a 13-year-old' now. I think she still looks cute. (Ok, so does my wife, and I admit - my daughter DOES look older with the shorter hair.)

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