So far the week is only five days old ... but ... we've done so much. Sunday was an interesting day. We got up late but made it to church in time. All four of us. My daughter wasn't looking that great and still had(has) her cold, so her eyes were a bit puffy ... which led my wife to think about pink eye! And guess what? We only had fifteen minutes to get her to the pediatrician's office to check it out ... otherwise it would've been the ER or another office (not "ours"). So, my wife hopped in the car with my daughter quickly and made it to the office just as a woman was locking the door. A nice smile :) ... and the woman let them in. Thank goodness! When my wife got her checked out ... my daughter had ... pink eye! Good thing it was my daughter - who does GREAT! with eye drops. My son, on the other hand ... is scared to death of them. By Monday evening, my daughter's eyes were looking soooooo much better. Thank goodness.
On Monday, we all got up at a decent time (my wife - out the door to work before my daughter and I even rise, mind you). And then me and the kids went to the grocery store and took care of groceries for the week. I got my coffee - which I needed because I couldn't sleep. (Did I mention that I drove to Rochester on Sunday to play baseball. An hour and 45 min drive and we lost for the fifth or six time in 45 games this summer. Plus, I went 0 for 3.) We didn't do a ton on Monday besides the grocery shopping. Played some games at home. Holly took a plain trip to Connecticutt for work ... You know, normal stuff :) Kids and I did a good job getting ready for bed and then we all slept (me - not so much, but you know).
Tuesday was a fun day. The kids and I had a nice morning and ended up at the book store (another coffee for the sleep deprived - me). B&N was having a decent sale on books 10-20% off many of them, so we bought a couple for each of us. Then we had our National Night Out in the park in our back yard. My son had a blast (and got drenched bobbing for apples). Both kids loved the "jump house" - blow up/inflatable jumping "thingy." And we even got to have sno-cones and popcorn. A nice night with many of our friends and neighbors. Plus ... yeah! ... mommy came home to give baths and help with bed-time.
Then Wednesday was up and down. My daughter was inconsolable (sp?) in the morning. And at the same time, my son has now become unable to sit still. So ... we took a drive. Usually this has us ending up at a book store, "ball" store (sports store), or at the mall. Having spent Tuesday morning at the book and "ball" stores, I assumed both kids would be up for the mall. Unfortunately, my daughter wanted nothing to do with it. She can change her mind quickly ... so we drove by the mall - twice! - hoping she would change her mind. Which she did ... when we pulled into the parking lot of the furniture store (which happens to be half-way home, nowhere near the mall, and had become my son and my second choice for where to go). At this point, my daughter DOES NOT WANT TO GO IN! (to the furniture store - which my son and I had hoped would be a good place to look for chairs for our new front room).
We ended up back at home (making pizza - which my daughter didn't want!) eating lunch and having one of us take a nap. My run on the treadmill got cut short by an anxious soon-to-be six-year-old. And we decided to meet our neighbors at the Pond (a man-made pond in the local park preserve). That part of our day was FUN! and we even made it back in time to have a nice dinner with mommy and let my daughter go to her new dance class (three wednesdays in a row) with mommy as well.
So, your normal week. Kind of. Let's hope Thursday and Friday are as much fun ... without so much drama. But couldn't love 'em any more if it is :)
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