Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend fun ... at the park ... in the backyard ... yeah! :)

Okay, so not ALL the pictures are from this weekend, but ALL weekends SHOULD be fun, and I thought that I'd sneak in some pics from when Grampa was playing with my son and daughter in the backyard. If you had the family and neighbors that I have, you'd be a happy blogger like me, too. :)

The next few pictures are from Weaver Lake Park. We biked there on Friday afternoon. It's always a hit with the kids. Nice sand (soft and clean) with playground equipment that they like (blocks, digger, slides and climbing things, swings, etc.) and the kids usually ask to swim or at least go down on the beach. It's not that far a bike ride now that my son can ride his two-wheeler.

That was an experience, by the way. He's been whining to me about not wanting to learn since we took his training wheels off last fall. Then, the grandparents come for a four days around my daughter's birthday ... and ... oila! (that's wa - la! for non-French speakers) It took all of 30 minutes, maybe :) Now, he can go up and down hills, turn around in driveways. Thanks, Mom and Dad (Gramma and Grampa)!

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